Hallo and WELCOME everyone to my old, dear travel blog! I made it during my life changing travels through India and Australia in 2013/14.
Those travels that taught me again and again what it means to live in the moment and surrender to whatever comes my way. Those travels that let me understand what it means to be truly loved. That made yoga and meditation part of my daily life. That made me start to write children stories. And realise where I truly want to be at home.

If you are still wondering if you should do this trip you've been longing to do for so long. Stop wondering and DO IT.

Samstag, 27. Juli 2013

About Ladakh

Ladakh is a Buddhist ex-kingdom and now one of the northern most regions of India. It spans the Himalayan and Karakoram mountain ranges and the upper Indus River valley. The largest city is Leh, inhabited by Kashmiri, Ladakhi and Tibetan people alike and visited by thousands of tourists from all over the world.
For me Ladakh is freedom, peacefulness, beauty and open,gentle, smiling people. I just love it here.

Trekking in Ladakh

A three day trek through the Ladakhi mountains with four friends from Rishikesh and a guide. Beautiful scenery of course, staying with families along the way, a 4900m pass and visiting a monastery from the 15th century at the end. Amazing Ladakh.

Leh, Ladakh

Why I love being in Leh, Ladakh? Easy...

Samstag, 20. Juli 2013

The Taj Mahal

It was a crazy trip to get to Agra, probably the dirtiest city in India. After the ultimate Indian travel experience, local bus in the summer heat, we were so late that we stayed the night. Of course in a cheap and crappy place. But then all what you would expect of the Taj was true. Unreal, peaceful, breathtakingly beautiful. A wonder in white marble made out of grief for one woman...who knows if it was really as romantic as it sounds.

Montag, 15. Juli 2013


It was the perfect evening. First a Hindu ceremony then music and lots of crazy dancing and finally not one but two certificates. One to teach Yoga and one to take responsibility for your life, a certificate of freedom. What could be more fitting right now. The perfect set up for what's to come.

Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2013

Yogis in the making

There we are, from all over the world gathered in this beautiful spot. Training hard for hours every day. Muscles screaming, minds whining, but we'll stay on the path and loving it. Well for most parts anyway :D

A group trip

40 something Yoga disciples went to visit a meditation cave older than human kind and sacred. Thus mother Ganga got there first leaving mounds of sand that followed her rushing waters. So what better to do than spend some time meditating on the force of ever moving water.